MIRRORED HEAVENS – Rebecca Roanhorse

“And I am happy to see your language is still more drunken sailor than Teek queen.” “Love me.  And let fate do its damnedest to get around that.” Rebecca Roanhorse’s epic trilogy, Between Earth & Sky, has come to a close with Mirrored Heavens (SAGA PRESS 2024), and it is one of the more satisfyingContinue reading “MIRRORED HEAVENS – Rebecca Roanhorse”

FEVERED STAR – Rebecca Roanhorse

“We are but fevered stars… Here a little while, bright with promise, before we burn away.” I preordered Rebecca Roanhorse’s Fevered Star (SAGA PRESS 2022) after reading Black Sun.  Much like the first of the series, Fevered Star, the second in the Between Earth and Sky series,is full of strong female characters, magic, politics, andContinue reading “FEVERED STAR – Rebecca Roanhorse”

AN EASY DEATH – Charlaine Harris

Recently, I (accidentally) purchased book 3 in the Gunnie Rose series.  Instead of returning it, I just checked out the first two from the library.  I’ve already read a few very heavy books in 2022 and I needed some candy, so I went ahead and read the first two.  I’m going to review them separately,Continue reading “AN EASY DEATH – Charlaine Harris”